BCA Consulting

earth resources


In addition to our in house people, we also have close working relationships with many other consultants and town planners.  Through the course of our work plan submissions we are frequently dealing with the issues around blasting, dust, noise, traffic, ground water, surface water, geotechnical and heritage (both European and Koori), visuals, flora & fauna, planning, and  VCAT.

did you know?

EVERY year Each Victorian uses ~11tonnes of quarry products

1km of dual asphalt highway = ~14,000t of crushed rock

1km of dual asphalt highway = ~14,000t of crushed rock

1km of railway = ~2,000t of aggregate

Approximately 50% of Victoria’s quarry products come’s from family owned and operated businesses A typical profit margin for a tonne of quarry products is dollars, where as for mines it is $hundreds to thousands of dollars

1 floor in a high-rise building = ~ 1,000t of aggregate

1 typical suburban home = ~ 110t of aggregate

Quarrying is a temporary use of the land, with rehabilitated sites becoming housing estates, commercial complex’s sporting grounds, water bodies, wetlands & park lands, and yes a few do become landfills

Cinnamon doughnuts are a legitimate breakfast